Young Child Drawing on Paper with PencilSession Structure

During sessions, SOAR tutors have the flexibility to focus on particular skills/academic areas as the circumstances warrant and as they (in conjunction with parents) see fit, but all sessions will include a literacy component and involve a variety of age appropriate activities and exercises.  Both educational research and our personal experience strongly suggest that a diverse, challenging, and fun activity structure is most conducive to nurturing sharp, thoughtful, and confident critical thinkers and healthy, young human beings.

Session Activities

  • interactive reading and literacy building exercises, nurturing verbal and written language skills
  • hands on puzzles and activities which nurture fine motor and spatial awareness skills
  • problem-solving activities designed to stimulate increased and more confident critical thinking
  • memory building games and activities – crucial to nurturing executive functioning skills that studies show are so vital for academic success


Session Length

We offer one on one tutoring that is flexible to your scheduling needs.  We typically encourage 30 minute sessions for students 3 years old and younger and 45 minute sessions for students 4 and older.